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If you are interested in becoming part an organization that works on best-of-breed technologies, takes up challenging projects, exposes you to mature business practices, lets you benefit from mentoring by experienced seniors and ultimately helps you to grow beyond designations, then TGGS Tech is the place for you.

Please submit your resume and our recruitment professionals will get in touch with you. We will notify you if there is the possibility of a fit between our needs and your interest and experience.

Key Skill:
(Java, .Net, Web Designer With 0+... 5+.... 6...)

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What our clients say

“Since the outset, AppLabs has been a fundamental component of the overall project team. Their experience and professionalism in the field of testing and integration has brought significant value to the project and Sun in general. Their relationship with our client has also developed, ensuring Sun has a place at the table in many of the strategic and tactical discussions that are associated with most projects.”

Bob Appleyard
Manageability Service Manager, Sun Microsystems

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