

TGGS Tech implements software outsourcing solutions for big and small Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies to help them develop a line of innovative business applications for improving regulatory compliance such as FDA, reducing clinical trial process time and increasing efficiency across different departments.

The information generated in a pharma industry, especially in the analytical laboratory and the QC lab, tends to be huge. Most of the data needs to be frequently retrieved not only for internal use but also to meet stringent regulations, inspections and audits.

Our HIPAA compliant medical application servers and Quality Assurance software tools such as Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) are dependable to safely handle the data in a demonstrably secure environment.

We collaborate with the R&D department of Pharmaceutical companies to address their needs for Submission Management, Data Integration, Statistical Analysis, and Reporting. For the marketing department of Pharmaceutical companies, TGGS Tech helps build applications for managing complex physician outreach programs, physician training, Contracting and eDetailing while maintaining regulatory compliance.

We also work with the large and distributed sales teams of Pharmaceutical companies to design distributed applications for offline and online use on their laptops and handhelds. TGGS Tech understands the complex budgeting and forecasting processes used by the finance departments of Pharmaceutical industry and can implement customized ERP solutions to bring efficiency and structure to these tasks.

Contact us to know more on how we can help you provide customized Pharma Outsourcing Solutions.

What our clients say

“Since the outset, AppLabs has been a fundamental component of the overall project team. Their experience and professionalism in the field of testing and integration has brought significant value to the project and Sun in general. Their relationship with our client has also developed, ensuring Sun has a place at the table in many of the strategic and tactical discussions that are associated with most projects.”

Bob Appleyard
Manageability Service Manager, Sun Microsystems

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